Saturday, November 22, 2008

The periennial greeting OR It's the most wonderful time of the year...right?

I was talking to the mother of one of The Girl's friends about getting the girlies together for a playdate; said mother innocently asked, "Do you stay in town for Thanksgiving and Christmas?" For me the question becomes when do I--heck, do I at all--make reference to the fact that we're Jewish? I mean, the moment she meets me, she's gonna know...a guy over 6' tall in a kippah is kinda hard to miss. The last thing I want to do is embarrass her by pointing out her assumption.

Don't get me at all wrong on this: I'm not at all offended by the question. Hey, I live in an overwhelmingly Christian area; as far as I know, we're the only Jewish family at the school. It doesn't bother me at all that she assumes everyone is Christian, nor do I expect the school to become archly politically correct. I do appreciate the fact that school functions are put into general language: Winter Break, Spring Break, and so on (although calling Halloween a Harvest Party struck me as a, and I don't feel the need to demand Chanukkiahs as decorations.

This upcoming time of year is one of my favorites. It's winter time (which see below), and I love how cheerful and friendly everyone is. When someone says to me, "Merry Christmas," I take it the way it's intended...ok, well, I take it the way I imagine it's intended, and that is as an expression of goodwill and joy. When I get a "Season's Greetings" instead, it's even nicer, and the single "Happy Chanukkah" I received in the world-at-large last year made my week. But I sure-as-shooting don't expect it.

So no matter how you greet folks in the month ahead, just smile and mean it. I guess that's really the point, innit?

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